16 verses of praise

Submitted by : expresspoetically on Muslim

Amazing is the man who wakes up for Fajr.
Loyal is the man who clings to the Sunnah.
Honorable is the man who submits to the Creator.

Brave is the man who apologizes first.
Noble is the man who speaks only what is good.
Subdued is the man who lowers his gaze.
Worthy is the man who is gracious to his parents.

Devoted is the man who restrains from pride and greed.
Righteous is the man who gains wealth only through halal means.

Hopeful is the man who remembers God always.
Admirable is the man who treats her like a Queen.
Virtuous is the man who hugs his child at the break of dawn.
Reverent is the man who departs with a smile.

Focused is the man who struggles for a fruitful akhirah.
Wise is the man who picks out his flaws before those of others.
Pure is the man who represses his lustful desires.


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