A New Arrival

Submitted by : qalamuddin on Poem Stories

A New Arrival
"Insha'allah, the baby will be a boy" the doctor said
anxiously I waited for the due date
For nine months zikrullah was the serenade
until the time the wife was put to sedate

My wife was in pain
tossing and turning with a strain
I could do nothing but watched in vain
Only to Allah a "doa", I maintained

It was 3.49 in the wee hours of 1st November
nothing much that I could gather
Except that the baby boy didn't have "a member"
the doctor looked amaze and tried to ponder

At last the mystery was solved, female was the gender
"alhamdulillah" that was what I uttered
Boy or girl, it didn't matter
as long as the baby was safe and proper

Then I remembered, in Al-Quran there is a chapter*.
it made me realiase I tend to forget Allah is much greater
A fool I was for relying on "a scanner"
just another tool from the human inventors

Doctors do try to make their stands
from a machine that is not so grand
Five things* we have no control over them
a definite answer is in Allah’s "hand"

All the scientific notions and inventions
by no means are against Allah's creations
a clever use with the right intention
will make us, a humble servant with a true vision

The miracle of life in a form of a baby
so cute and so cuddly
To all mothers and mothers to be
hats off to you for persevering the agony

As a man, I cannot feel your sufferings
but the "bundle of joy" is worth enduring
the sacrifice you made is rewarding
and Oh! Remind me to thank my wife and mother and to stop complaining

Dedicated to all newborns, no matter the gender
and to mothers all in altogether
not forgetting all the fathers
May Allah reward you thousands time better.

*In surah Al-Luqman verse 34:- ALLAH SWT says

"Verily, ALLAH! With HIM (Alone) is the knowledge of
the Hour, He sends down the rain and knows that which
is in the wombs. No person knows what he will earn
tomorrow and no person knows in what land he will die.
Verily, ALLAH is All-Knowers, All Aware (of things)."

Penned by Qalamuddin

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