Submitted by : khadijah T on Strugle

A plea of mercy is in her eyes
'I beg of you just let them be..
the hot magma of fury may for now look obsolete
a magnificent destruction, hidden away it lays awake!'

she continued...

'the ugly caterpillar, despised for it's unsightly look
patiently waits for it's time of glory
a time will come to shine and awe
behold! Such hypnotizing beauty!'

she urged and begged on deaf ears that hear,
looking through eyes that look but never see;
carried a pain in her heart so strange and new
does a heart die while it lives and breaths?

They marched and chopped and diced their way
unmindful of an angle's plea
the similtudes of a wise soul's lessons ignored
consequences of doom they couldn't foresee.

'Watch out for the dung!' she cried in despair
'..even from filth comes life anew
the rejected is dear to those you trod on
valued priceless gems if you only knew.'

'Is there a just soul amongst you at all?
Is there a fare being with an open mind?
Is there one willing to hold back the fist?
who'd look back and see a sea of spilled blood?..

..the mountain of pain, the fountain of tears
the valleys of wound, the meadow of loss
the mothers that weep with exhausted tears
a crowded field of graves of annihilated infants.

Tell me please, I need to know
how do you make the blind see?
how do you reason with a human possessing a heart of a robot?
Is there anyone out there willing to hear an angle's plea?

She hung her head and let a sigh of grief..

'you see! There's limit set for everything
even this universe will cease to be
did you even imagine the anarchy you caused along the way
could turn even a sweet angel enraged filled with fury?'

no longer sweet and vulnerable
held her head high and in control
smiled to herself at thoughts of events yet to unfold
everything here has a purpose, even a dung has a role.

'I'm no longer that sweet angle no more shall I dance to your tunes;
nor will I choose to plea and beg reason with you or compromise
I shall dance to the melodious call coming from the horizon
I shall no longer turn my back to it, I'll spread my wings where jihad calls!'

Written by Ummu Muhammad.

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