A Vendetta!

Submitted by : qalamuddin on Think

A Vendetta!

For a simple mistake a sister made
Walking with a stranger for a date!
Or for the love she never return
– A despicable act we spun

If I can’t get her, nobody will
This I make sure even if she is dead still
Or her face I disfigure!
Destroying her future!

The severest we punished *
As we claimed our family honor is tarnished.
Their reputation we blemished
Thru’ Acid Attack! Their beautiful faces we finished

Even to trigger a vendetta
And the whole village played the same sonata
As the punishment doesn’t befit the crime
The girl we treat like some sort of grime

Sad to say this happened to some
Our behaviors stand like a sore thumb
When our compassion is numb
We punished others like they are dumb

We punished like we are God!
Have we spared a thought?
A girl has her own feeling and mind
If she does not like you that should be fine!

Our rage goes on a rampage
A crime of passion not of courage
The man is a coward
When the weaker sex he taunted

Remember, Allah’s Mercy has no limit**
Even for the timid
This you must admit
If you truly submit

Forgive and forget ***
If you do not want to regret
What good will it do?
Just put yourself in her shoe!!!

What do we have to offer?
When we see a sister suffer.
Stop this cruelty!
And let her live with dignity.

Penned by Qalamuddin 6/11/2010

* Narrated 'Aisha: Allah's Apostle never took revenge for his own self in any matter presented to him till Allah's limits were exceeded, in which case he would take revenge for Allah's sake

** Al-Quran 39:53 “My servants who have transgressed against their souls (through sinning) should not despair of ALLAH'S mercy, for ALLAH pardons all sins."

*** Al-Quran 42:43 “But indeed if any show patience and forgive, that would truly be an exercise of courageous will and resolution in the conduct of affairs

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