Come Back - By ProudMuslima ( A Reply)

Submitted by : qalamuddin on Strugle

COME BACK – By ProudMuslima (A Reply)

The coming back of a friend is all that she longs
They were once together and they belonged
What a fine love between two Muslimah*
And all for the sake of Allah

What went wrong?
One day she was gone!
Threatened by the reality of life
Full of deceptions and intriguing lies

Despair, hurt and pain due to the separation
There is no warning what more preparation
For what has to come
Is non other but a trial from the One!

The poem stirs a familiar chord
One or another we are always caught
In this life game
Sometime wild sometime tame

Lucky is she to have a friend
Who, can buck the trend
Who, pray for her return
In this life sojourn

Lets pray too for the return of many brothers and sisters
To the way of life created by our Master
True to our Islamic teaching
We should not stop preaching.

ProudMuslima exhibits true Islamic character
We are not supposed to feel better!
If one of us is drifting farther and farther
Oh Allah protects us from this caper

The pull of the wrong crowd
Her beauty makes her proud
The race to gain is just but a pain.
This is all insane just blind following - Any Jane?

In Islam, the aim is pure
The disease it cures
Will save our souls
Have you not been told?

I read the poem with a tinge of sadness
But I feel ProudMuslima’s greatness
In her longing for her friend to come back
I pray she has the strength to endure all setbacks

* Nu'man b. Bashir reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The similitude of believers in regard to mutual love, affection, fellow-feeling is that of one body; when any limb of it aches, the whole body aches, because of sleeplessness and fever. (Sahih Muslim)

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