Come back...

Submitted by : ProudMuslima on Youth

She and I
were two servants.
She was getting closer
and closer.
She was beginning to find her way.
I could almost see the beautiful light
that shone in her soul.

Every day,
we practiced our faith
If she stumbled off,
I would gently pull her back
to the straight path.
If I shook,
she would set me straight again.
It was a balanced harmony
that I loved more and more.

Those days were wonderful.
They never failed to make me smile
with pride, with love
for my beloved sister.
With each day,
she became closer
and I was happier.

Until one day,
like an electric shock,
like a strike at my essence,
she was gone.

All the memories,
all the spirituality,
all of my happiness and pride
faded away,
leaving nothing but pain behind.
The bright colors of the past
turned a pitiful gray.

I keep looking back,
at the girl who was my sister,
expecting the beautiful light
that once shone so brightly
in her heart and soul.
But all I see is just another girl,
walking with the wrong crowd.

As I saw the makeup adorn her eyes,
and the clothes hugging her body tightly,
all I could do
is cry.

I cry my heart out,
because it hurts me inside.
Because the painful reality
of life
was beginning to dawn upon me.

I still pray for her.
And for those beautiful days,
for all of my pride and happiness,
and for her
to come back...

Based on a true story.
Dedicated to a certain girl whom I still love.
May Allah guide you.
Please, please, please do not hesitate to post any comments. I would love to get any feedback, whether negative or positive.

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