
Submitted by : Nafisa Zeenatun Nisa on Think

Bismillah ( And i begin with praise of Him)

I am a Contender, Solo Avengerrr.

I can’t break free from this infatuation that has caused me to venturrre... In oSo Deep.
The thought of Jannah makes Me So weak...
I am! A Contender! Faith Defender. Attackers beware through your ignorance I render and discover how TO SUCceed.
Yaa Allah I surrender. Accept my Plead, have mercy on Our souls, oh controller of destinies.. Give us strength insha’Allah. Imaan is WHAT we need...To become a martyr in trends, to work, lend and spend away from that swift road to Jahannam... Yaa Allah Help us Repent! Pleaseee...
For the sake of You and You alone, the One who Sustains and Protects All That Exists!
I doo want This!! "For this let (all) those strive who strive for bliss". Let Allah’s mercy and blessings fall upon you too. This Dunya, Trust me you won’t Miss it, it will be Ooold news... ok.
Let the challenge BEGIN!!!
Boys and Girls that means you CAN’T SIN!
I pray you realise that IF you SLIP and Fall back IN... The queue to Jannah only gets longer and the further you will be away from your master. Alhamdulillah, and the pious believers will all be Indulged in Laughter! So Where does that leave you?
The finish line, can be anytime!
OPEN yourrrr miiinndss...
My brothers and sisters in islam. I love you dearly, but only Allah controls Time and so hasten in gaining knowledge, Allah sends warning signs! personalised just for you!!
I’m just another contender, here to warn yoU!
Asalaamu Alaykum.

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