Submitted by : repenter86 on Strugle

Mother I'm sleepy, I'm hungry and sore.
I miss your touch and your face I adore.
If I could run, I'd be out like a shot,
For the room is smoky now and I getting quite hot.
I hear voices but none that I know.
These loud bangs hurt my ears, why did you go?
Mother my dummy has fallen out of my cot,
I'm beginning to choke and its getting more hot.
Why wont you come, you usually do,
I'm crying and aching just to have you.
I see a shape above my bed, its black and red and falling.
Dust keeps falling into my eyes, it's no more use just calling.
Ive cried enough, my breath is weak, I cant see now, just black.
I can't understand why you left me here, and you simply won't come back.
The shape has fallen, and my body has broken,
I don't feel pain, and I have stopped choking.
I smell clean air and I'm free from my cot,
I no longer see shapes and no longer feel hot.
Someone is pouring water on me,
I try to open my eyes, but I cannot see.
I try kicking and grabbing but I can't move a limb.
I'm waiting for mother but she hasn't come in.
I'm being wrapped in soft clean cloth, perfume of musk around me.
People and voices, crying and prayers surround me.
Why are they sad? I'm comfy and warm, I'm not hungry nor tired no more.
I'm at peace in this bind and it's blessings I'll find, when they shut my graves door.
I hear them all say my name as I'm carried, I'm laid on the ground for prayer to start.
Now I hear them say mothers' name, I feel her hand gently press on my heart.
Oh mother I hear you, I've waited for you, we will soon meet.
I feel her kiss my head through the cloth, and softly squeeze my feet.
I hear the tears drop from her eyes as she cries the word 'WHY!'
I wish I could tell her, that with faith, it's not that hard to die.

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