Submitted by : UmSuleyman on Islam

Our sister Halima has walked for 20 days, 
Why was she walking, when there are so many other ways?
She had no choice, you see, so by foot she had to go,
Oh Muslim Ummah, you need to know!

Why did our sister have to leave?
Why are her and her young children struggling to breathe?
Why has she walked so far with no food or water?
Oh no, here lies her collapsed little daughter!

In the middle of nowhere, little Samira breathed her last,
Her fragile condition deteriorated so fast.
She was three years old, yet she looked only one.
The journey took its toll on her emaciated body, but it had to be done.

So on day four little Samira was buried, and in the days to follow Amir, five, was put to rest.
Shedding hot tears our sister Halima accepted this was her test.
Can you imagine months without a proper meal?
Your children crying and begging for food in front of you, how desperate would you feel?

Then to bury those children, one by one, when you hardly have the tears to cry,
The land, the skies, your body, everything is so dry.
So you see why Halima left home to find food, with a scrap of paper as her map,
With her young children struggling to walk beside her, she headed towards a refugee camp.

The drought first claimed the crops, then the livestock,
and now the people are next to go.
Their desperation needs relief now,
This is what you need to know!

Our brothers and sisters need our help urgently, 
to help them live their lives,
We ask Allah Almighty,
to pour down beneficial rains and patience, until help arrives.

We ask Allah to ease their suffering,
to inspire and help us assist them in their time of need.
After all, didn't our beloved Messenger tell us
that among the good deeds was to feed?

Oh Muslim Ummah take heed, here, today, now is the time to act!
Just as Allah tested Halima,
Allah is testing us with our wealth,
let's not forget this fact!

8. And they give food, inspite of their love for it (or for the love of Him), to Miskin (poor), the orphan, and the captive (The Quran, 76:8).

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr:

A person asked Allah's Apostle . "What (sort of) deeds in or (what qualities of) Islam are good?" He replied, "To feed (the poor) and greet those whom you know and those whom you don't know

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