Even still, it's you I miss...

Submitted by : Hamza on Death

Even still, it's you I miss...

Over time things change, but never the heart,
can't seem to move on, still torn apart.

Offers to marry, someone to take care of the two,
I'll never be a good wife, to none other than you.

I still cry at night, when the babies lay rest,
Allah has defenitely put me to the test.

Heard your face was bright, filled with light
I wish I could've seen you
on that crazy night.
To see for myself, what I pray is true,
a beautiful man seeing his life anew.

She asks for you, out of the blue
What can I say? but that we will see him soon,
"daddy's taking too long"
I tell her look at the moon.

Allah made that, and you and me,
he took daddy, just let things be.
One day soon you will see,
another time, another place,
and then we'll be free.

Don't be sad loving, Daddy's here
I point to her heart
and tell her don't fear.

We are all still in pain
I just sit starring at the rain.

What do I say and what do I do,
I keep trying to figure things out,
but I'm always blue.

Greatful for Alllah, that He is in our lives,
without Him I know I would never be able to survive.

Pain and tears,
but hope for Bliss
even still,
it's you I miss.

- By the wife of a Shaheed

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