"Fajr In The Back Yard"

Submitted by : admin on Salaat

"Fajr In The Back Yard"

I Take Refuge In Allah From The Stoned Satan. In Name of Allah, The Source of Mercy to All The Creation The source of The Mercy To The Believing Congregation. Oh Allah, Bless Muhammad's Soul And Rain Down Peace On His Household.

Fajr In The Yard. An inspired thought... A cool clean breeze... Angelic zephyrs sway the trees. The sun's warm healing rays Usher in a brand new day. The birds, the breeze, me, and the trees; Allah created all of these. Meditation; Focus; Pray; In tune to nature all the day; Bowing prostrate; breathing deep; Enjoying life while must men sleep; Loving duty most of all. Heeding happily the morning call; I'd like to share with you the morning dew. I hope you'd like to share it too. I pray Allah blesses you every day. In each and every way.

Allahu Akbar, Oh Allah Bless Muhammad's Soul, And Rain Down Peace On His Household.

Composed by:

Ali Abu-Talib son of AbdunNur La ilaha illal-Llah. Muhammadar-Rasulul-Llah. Aliyan Ameerul-Mumaneen, Imamul-Mutaqeem. Fatimatuz-Zahrah Sayyidatil-Nisal-Alameen. Allahu Akbar

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