Head of the crowns

Submitted by : hanifan on Strugle


A field full of crowns but only one head,
Once again the Martyrs of Islam their blood will shed.
The holy lands of Iraq, the American and Britain now defile
Whilst weapons of mass destruction the coalition now stockpile.

With these weapons and with arrogance America will suppress this world,
But by the grace of God and Islam they will be severely curtailed.
These acts of arrogance of America are by the whole world condemned,
So each person must stand up and be counted for this madness to end.

Bush - Blair or Yajooj-Majooj (Gog-Magog), are partners in doom,
These two fill our lives, this whole world with darkness and gloom.
Only these two and their Papal paymasters know the real truth,
About the killing of innocents and for this, there is plenty of proof.

They say their actions are because of terrorism, well answer me this,
who for decades financed Irish terrorism and plotted against the British?
Millions of dollars sponsored the bombing and killing in my beloved England,
The blood of Irish terrorism is without doubt on American hands.

The Americans butchered millions of red Indians in their native homeland,
The pious redskins protecting what they had been given by Gods own hand.
But the American said, “ These are just savages so let their blood spill,
While we harvest the gold and silver and minerals out there in the hills.”

America, England, France, Spain have all used terrorism to feather their hats,
The whole world over, even in modern times sponsoring Cup-des tats.
If only the coalition would sponsor humility peace and goodwill,
There would be no need for terrorism, no need for innocent blood to spill.

So beware America, Iraq will certainly be the beginning of your demise,
The peoples will not always be deceived by you propaganda and lies.
A new generation is awakening, spiritually strong, so Pharaohs beware,
Bring out your magicians and the Sufi masters will lay their souls bare.

America and Britain will suffer humiliation and worldwide indignation,
at the hands of Iraq, this small and ignominious but pious Islamic nation.
The American dream machine is creaking and its engine grows cold,
Crumbling to its final extinction, as did the arrogant Pharaohs of old.

Like the Phoenix, the people are rising up and they will be heard,
From the dying American eagle there is absolutely nothing to be feared.
So take heart Iraqi brothers, Sheikh Abd Al Qadir Jillani is waiting to be led,
By a field full of Islamic Martyrs with Imam Ali and Al-Mahdi at the head.

Written by hanifan 17-04-2002 (Feb-March in Iraq with Human Shield)

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