Help me

Submitted by : Miss_Sofia on Muslim

I am hopeless so why don't you help me
Help yourself before i help you

I am lost why don't you guide me
find yourself before you seek guidance

i need a motivation lead me
ask for God before you reach out to me

I am struggling keep me together
with out seeking for Allah
even if i attempted i can not put you

I am hungry feed me
run to me i shall spoon feed you

I need to a wash.. Were can i clean me?
Use my bath as much as you want

I need clothes I need shoes<-- go to my closet find what you like
I need to place to stay, my house is open doors come right away ummah!

I need money to buy a car, house, swimming pool maybe a bike and rings can you provide some money. I am lacking in money i need money money money! Ya ALlah ...

We use to be happy with the little things in life, We would go on foot to different countries be happy to eat just bread and water and living in a small hut .. offering animals that was our riches now the world is changing.

Help seems to sound more like favors and meeting the needs of an individual not for change but to satisfy their material hunger.

HELP Can only be given to those that need it
ALahu Akbar you do not need help you need to self-asses yourself
maybe ask yourself what you can give back maybe that is your aid for seeking help, You should say enough of that and give away or sell for the sake of those that need it more then you.

You look Rich , your neighbor is poor yet you are a Muslim dont forget so is next door feed and care for them before you pamper your things with extra

Insha Alah

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