Hijabi Barbie

Submitted by : Showkat on Hijab

Hijabi Barbie

Oh! It’s so nice to see sisters covered
And following the deen
But sadly there is a new trend
Wearing hijab with tight clothing
Mixing with the opposite gender
Head covered
About everything else not bothered

Getting looks
Lewd comments and winks
Maybe that’s the intention
As some fool themselves into thinking
I know my roots
And identity

Take ages to dress up
Make up first
Then perfume
Tight clothes
Then hijab last
A look in the mirror
Then go outside
And walk the catwalk

The pious look and shiver
While the ignorant praise
And forget to lower their gaze
Corrupting many
By their dress
And personality
Especially young girls
Who want to be a hijabi Barbie

Boys chat them up
They enjoy the company
People look and stare
And tut
But they don’t care

Desires set loose
To society oblivious
Hugs and kisses
Leading to much more

Giving Islam a bad name
And building a reputation along the way
But they have no shame
As they follow Satan’s way

Bit of Islam and most of the west
Hijab aint a fashion accessory
It’s a necessity
For those who wish to follow Islam completely

Have they stopped thinking based upon the deen?
Do they not see the sisters covered properly?
And ask why?

I guess there is a veil upon their hearts
Consumed by the attention they get
Which they crave
As they walk around a slave to society

Do they think and question
How they should follow your religion
Or do they go with the flow
And fit in with western society

To be fair
At least they cover somewhat
In a day and age when most don’t bother
Or see the need
And feed on western culture
Models and singers
Setting the trend and example
But are they better or worse
Than those who expose all

Girls without hijab quote Their example
And use it as a pretext not to cover
At least we are not hypocrites they mutter
When faced with this many stutter
And make excuses
But will they be sufficient
On the last day

In our hearts we know the truth
And the soul finds no peace
In wearing hijab and being promiscuous
Flirting and dating
Hugging and kissing
And a lot more besides

So what to do?
Take off the hijab
And walk around completely naked
Or add a little extra
And be properly covered
Respected and admired
By the creation as well as the creator

The choice is ours
Will we adhere to our deen?
Or be a victim of society and its many temptations
Leading to hell and eternal damnation

Author:[email protected]

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