I Am Changing

Submitted by : Miss_Sofia on Think

Dont Worry So Much When you see i talk less then i did before...Nor dont think to much when you see me not with you all no more, Dont hype to much when i stop you in a middle of a conversation... Dont try to hard Because i am way to smart. But bless me and lets encourage each other.

Insted of shisha cafes.. take me somewhere were we can learn from an other
and instead of rating me for what i use to wear stop and stare... can you not see that the islamic clothes
is the choice and way of the deen...?

Instead of wanting bad for me... dont be shocked if i treat you the oppositely ... If this was a while back then allah ya calam what i would do to you. for now for the sake of islam i shall avoid You and send my ducas to you =).
and instead of telling you how i feel about someone else i now learned to remain silent as i keep my thoughts to my self. If the person is no longer beneficial for me interms of deen
Asalamu Alaikum if you know what i mean =D

The new me use to kill me silently for the better. I had to fight with deception to enter reality of islamic hood. and alhamdulilah it feels very good.

Dont think to much and just do... For i swear on my life it is the best feeling you can feeel and any one else will telll you this is very true.

Trust in allah and you willl see
Put faith in the deen and you will see

The steps towards religion is very hard but the struggle at the start
is what makes your soul lighter and makes you want to grip the deen even more tighter
Insha allah The path for all of us will be smooth but untill then lets all try to become better with our selves before we can be better in the deen and the end result insha allah will be Alhamdulilah =D

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