I used to be a disbeliever

Submitted by : For the love of Allah on Islam

I used to be a disbeliever

i disbelieved in allah

i knew he was there

but never confirmed it with la illaha illal lah

i used to live in the dark

caught up in this temporary life

imagine not knowing why your here but know your gonna die

I used to be a disbeliever

i had a seat promised in hell

i still might have one

only time will tell

my mind was limited to what my eyes could see

and i knew that space existed but that was it for me

but now my mind knows a whole lot more

why where here

where were going

dont matter if your poor

allah looks at your deeds and the state of your heart

somtimes i wish i been better right from the start

but sometimes i wish that i wasnt cause its by the will of allah

i learnt alot from mistakes and trails that came from above

one minuite in a bad situation then

next week im glad that it happened

the plan of allah is perfect

so be glad watever happens

i love my lord words cant explain how much

he took me out from the dark

no word exists to explain the love

i thank him but nothing i do will be enough

all he wants us to do is worship him and stay away from wrong

he created us weak so repent to him when you fall into sin

but do not make your sins pile up without repenting to him

deaths coming

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