I will rule the world

Submitted by : 24k_road on Islam

A wise man once said long time ago
That I will rule the world you know

Everyday that pass's bye 
My blood drops, like rain from the sky
Bin livin life in tourture for so long
Just another prisoner trying to be strong  

Everybody picks on me,
 night an day they play tricks on me 
I use to be brave an big with a crown no one dared 2 mess with me
Now when I'm hurt an tied dowen 
everybody wants a peice of me

Tied dowen in the burning sand
So many cuts in my body
I can barely move my hand
My week body week in it's own land
You see
 by my hart they placed a knife
But they couldent take my life 
My whole body they have cut
 my quick death they do want 

Peisce by peice of my skin 
They cut deep 2 begin
Then placed posine deep with'in
 pyralized my body so they can win 
my Vision vision going hazy
I felt my body going lazy
I felt my blood flowin mazy 
Then the world just went crazy  

O my vains
Please don't bleed
O my blood
please don't die 
I feel your pain I'm not asleep 
I feel the pain sink in deep 
I feel it creep inside my skin 
Shakeing my body 
like I'm possissed by jinn

So my blood cells come on home
Don't ever feel like your on your own
Cuz In my body your not alone
Cuz when the blood hits the ground 
Those little thuds like thunder sound

So your not forgotten, don't you lie
Your in my body, don't you die
You know your pain
I do feel it
I call his name 
He will heal it  

Becuse of it I'm in distress 
Everyday I'm in the press
On my pain an my stress' do they feed
They wish I bleed an die indeed 
But like a seed I do grow
Even out a skid row
My blood flow 
Touch the  ground light an glow
To bring those low out the shadow show     
An my power they all know 
Like a lion when he roar 
Even hurt I'm not afraid of war 

So my hand don't you shake 
Even tied
 this chain will brake 
Take the pain 
build thee anger
Feel the power
 they know as danger
Your a stranger in there eyes 
More blood like you I'll shurely rise

So Here I am in a shred
Coverd in blood river red 
This whole time they thought I'm dead
But I was hanging by a thread 
There evil posine did not spread 
Cuz I can feel my legs an head
So my blood tears don't you shead
 keep flowin an pumpin to my hart 
One day the posine will depart 
An my wounds will heal like art 
Then all those evil I'll rip apart
Your my cure your the start

So start fighting this posine out 
Your the mujahid with out a doubt
All this posine you must wipeout 
Then all the cuts will fade out 
Allah is great that day I'll shout 
An every tyrent I'll knock out 
 every evil I'll takeout
In every corner you hide out
In every hole I'll blow out 
Till that day turnabout 
You will know whut I'm about
I am Islam so look out    

Prophet Muhammad (Salllahu alaihi wasallam) said: “The similitude of believers in regard to mutual love, affection, fellow-feeling is that of one body; when any limb of it aches, the whole body aches, because of sleeplessness and fever.” [Muslim]

the Prophet Muhammad (Salllahu alaihi wasallam) mentioned in another hadith,
“Surely, this religion will reach the boundaries of the day and night and Allah will not spare a rural or an urban dwelling except that he would cause Islam to enter it by elevating some and degrading others. A glory with which Allah elevates Islam and a humiliation with which Allah degrade Kufr (disbelief).”
(Ahmad and Ibn Hibban, saheeh)

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