I'm just a Man - (A reply to I'm just a woman by repenter86)

Submitted by : qalamuddin on Strugle

I’m just a Man – (A reply to I’m just a woman by repenter86)

“What can she do?” she asked.
Is she confused of her task?
Nay, she is just letting known her frustrations
Lamenting the state of Ummah in devastation

There’s some truth to her saying
Yes the Ummah is dying
But lets not stop trying
Each of us must keep on striving

What can a woman do?
Plenty besides ‘tying the children’s shoes’
A mother is the Ummah’s best first school
If she uses the necessary tools

Or she can change the world
Shaping or mending the broken souls
That’s what I have been told
Doing better than man tenfold

An open challenge to the Man
Look around and have a quick scan
Are we, as man of the Ummah stand guilty as accused?
A responsibility we abused!*

Don’t just sit idle and say you’re sorry
Do something for Islam and stop that worry
Big or small just look at our history
Now tell me what is her or your story?

Each of us is a unit
Definitely our role will be unique
Just employ the correct technique**
Not a matter of size or physique

There is no point being sad
What more to be mad
In Islam there is no what ifs
Just do your part as it is!

Now, what can I do for Islam? You asked!
Again that is the main task
The least is to protect yourself and your love ones***
That is what Islam teaches and wants.

She and I, we are using our pens
She is a woman – I’m just a man****
Both has our dual role - A vicegerent and a servant
Now the question is what does that govern?

* Holy Qur'an (75:14-15): "Nay! man is evidence against himself. Though he puts forth his excuses."

** Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) says: "The example of him who sets the limits of Allah and then contradicts them is like a people who were travelling together on a ship. It happened that some of them took the upper part, while others took the lower part of it. Those who took the lower part, while seeking for water came near those who were above them. Those who were above, told them: We will not allow you to take water because you will hurt us. In response to their answer, those who below said: We can make a hole in the bottom of the boat without hurting those above us. In this case, if they leave them to do what they want, all will perish while if they took their hand (help them) all will be saved."(Sunnan al-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Fitan, vol. 4, p.470, Hadith No. 2173.)

*** Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) says: All are custodians and are responsible for their charges (Bukhari, Sahih al-Muslim, vol. 2, p.6.)

**** Holy Qur’an (9:71): "And (as for) the believing men and the believing women, they are guardians of each other; they enjoin good and forbid evil..."

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