
Submitted by : hjoosub001 on Think


Salaam Sister
What have you there?
A pot of your famous breyani for the Madressah Fair
The Islamic Ladies Society will be mighty impressed
Wish they’d move the beggar sitting by the entrance stairs

Salaam Brother
Is that a cheque in your hand?
To be presented at tonight’s Charity Event
Hear the media will be there
So sad to hear about your brother’s house roof collapsing
In last week’s thunderstorm
Sure he’ll get it fixed once he’s found a job

Salaam Sister
Thank you for attending the funeral today
The family appreciates your presence and duas for the deceased
By the way
What a beautiful crystal beaded abaya you’re wearing
Hear it’s all the latest rage
The other ladies look so yesterday

Ramadaan Mubarak Brother
Meet you at the masjid tonight
After Isha we’ll smoke outside and discuss your new business venture
It’s a drag to wait for the rest of the group
But remember
After the Taraweh we’ll go straight for the BBQ

Ramadaan Mubarak Sister
It’s that time of the year again
Life is so hectic
So difficult to make Quraan Khatam
Hope you managed to make all your savouries for Iftaar
My freezer is stocked full
Twenty dozen of each type
Samoosas, pies, pastries and tarts
Shame, the children only eat these after whole day’s fast

Hajj Mubarak Brother
Alhumdulliah your application was successful
To go this year
Too difficult these days
Please remember us in your dua’s
Lucky you – you can pick up some
Nifty electronics these days

Hajj Mubarak Sister
Make the most of your time in the holiest place on earth
Hear your daughter’s getting married next year
Must get jewellery
The gold there is one of the best in the world

Wake up Brothers and Sisters
Is this what we’ve become?
Our lives ritualistic
Reduced to unconscious living
Assuming our good gestures will gain many a sawab
But scratch below the surface
Only to realise
They are only deserving of this world’s recognition
No use in the Aakhirah
Due to the wrong niyyat, intention

Don’t get me wrong
Good food, Nice clothes, Luxury Items
Are deserving when we
Go forth in this world and make a halaal living
But there is such a fine line
Charity becomes show-casing
Sympathy, a fashion parade
A precious month squandered by belly-filling
A journey of spirituality, a shopping spree

There is a wise saying
Charity begins at home
Even our left hand should not know what our right hand is doing.
Let’s remind ourselves daily, dear Brothers and Sisters
It’s not what you do
But why

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