
Submitted by : muslim89 on Islam

It's all about the 'Ism'
From 'Capitalism' to 'Materialism'
'Humanism' to 'Egotism'
Religions like 'Sikhism' or 'Budhism'
'Confucianism' & 'Zorastrianism'
The belief your a descendant of a monkey...yep that's 'Darwinism'...
Leading onto 'Athiesm'
Those that believe, turn to too many gods it becomes 'Polytheism!'
What about those who think they are the 'chosen ones?'
I think that's 'Judaism!'
Then there's the dangerous Illuminati
Practicing 'Occultism'
They even go as far as 'Diabolism!' (worshipping devils,i.e. Satan)
How can I not mention EDL...some whites think they superior...
Supporters of 'Fascism' (Hitler's way of thinking)

And Islam now what 'Extremism?'
All these 'Ism'....
On TV...Muslim with negative Criticism!
Continously being accused of 'Terrorism!'
Man what is the matter with u people?!
Stop inventing all this 'Ism'
In Islam there's no 'Ism' or 'Schism!'
And we tolerate no Racism!
Don't add to our religion's name
Like the others its not the same
Coz its unique...no man made flaw!
Don't tell us what u know, u know nothin of Shariah Law
Don't ever ill-speak of Allaah's name
EDL separating people, playing mind game
They have no idea...except to call us 'Extremism?'
Inventing new words ending with an 'Ism'
Know Islam's history...it ain't no mystery!
Islam considers 'All' equal whatever the race
No other name can replace
Now I rest my case
A religion of 'Peace' as Allaah says so!
Now that's just intro!

"Welcome to Islam!"

By SparkaPoet

This poem was written in response to the English Defence League (EDL). In the UK, the EDL are a racist, fascist group that oppose Islam. In one of their demonstrations they attacked Allah's name and many times our prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him). So this message goes out to all those who are full of hatred towards Islam, ignorant and believe in false lies in media;
Whatever wrong Muslims do don't say it is the 'fault of Islam'. No it's the fault of people...
I also came across someone labelling our religion as 'Militant Islam'. SubhanaAllah!

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