It wasn't me

Submitted by : writer1 on Think

You know that bomb that went off
And people were killed?
You know that stabbing, that shooting
That news they showed on TV?
Well, I thought it was terrible
But I didn’t do it, it wasn’t me

Just because my skin tone may be similar
Or they may claim to be of the same religion
It doesn’t mean I had a part in it
Or my thinking is just the same
Two people are not alike
Just because they share a name

Look at Iraq, destroyed, in pieces
Countless innocents killed or displaced
Look at Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya
Was all this done by one “religious” group?
Evil is a disease across the world
Ignorance worsens it, don’t be it’s dupe

If someone or some people do something wrong
And you had no part in it
Then you are not to be blamed
If someone or some people do something wrong
And I had no part in it
Then I am not to be blamed.

Saqib Hussain - Author of "Sweet Bird" - available for free download from

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