It’s a Man’s World

Submitted by : Wayfarer on Strugle

It’s a Man’s World

I’ve got a gripe
That won’t let me be
‘Cos I see injustice happenin’
All around me

Men indulgin’ in all sorts of vice
While their wives scurry around in ivory towers
Just like gullible mice

Yes it’s a man’s world fo’ sho
Shouldn’t say no mo’

Men makin’ “secret nikah”
Just cos it’s been said two, three or four
Wives wailin’ in silent humiliation
Scared of being shown the door

Yes it’s a man’s world fo’ sho
Shouldn’t say no mo’

Equality for all wives
That’s a big joke
Everythin’s for the “flavour of the moment”
The rest can just choke

Yes it’s a man’s world fo’ sho
Shouldn’t say no mo’

Men pronouncing “talaq,talaq,talaq”
All in one breath, not mo’
Shatterin’ so many lives not just their own
Jus’ cos they think they’re the “law”

Yes it’s a man’s world fo’ sho
Shouldn’t say no mo’

Men leavin’ their wives to work overseas
To improve the lot of their families
But instead havin’ affairs
And bringin’ back home all sorts of disease

Yes it’s a man’s world fo’ sho
Shouldn’t say no mo’

There are men that their wives ill-treatin’
With cruel words and or with beatin’s
Outright disrespect
Or just plain neglect
There are women being denied divorces
By husbands abusin’ their power
Bein’ thrown out of the ivory tower
With only the clothes on their backs
Why should he worry
He can marry two, three or four
So what if you must plead at a closed door
Doesn’t help to say sorry

Yes it’s a man’s world fo’ sho
Shouldn’t say no mo’

Annulments not being granted
Desperate women being shunted
With the advice of makin’ sabr
‘Til when?
‘Til he sends me to my qabr?

Yes it’s a man’s world fo’ sho
Shouldn’t say no mo’

Plenty of time, men say
To taste all the forbidden pleasures
I’ll repent an’ ask for forgiveness when I’m old
Make qada an’ istigfaar then all will be well
Will make it right with the wife an’ offspring in double measures
All the penalities I’ll eventually pay
I’ll make myself fit into the mold
That is called bein' hypocritical, dear pal
Allah sees, hears an’ kno’s all
To the Shaitan your soul’s already been sold
Your dwelling will surely be hell!

This world is a just a playground for boys
An’ girls are nothin’ but toys
To be played with and broken
Then jus’ thrown aside
This is the truth that jus’ had to be spoken
So what’s there to hide?

Yes it’s a man’s world fo’ sho
Looks like the True Muslim man is no mo’
Our Ummah has become so poor
So I’m not gonna say no mo’

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