Lets Pretend...

Submitted by : Official_Ansa on Think

Lets Pretend everybody shared and donated
Everybody cared and no one hated!
Money was no longer the root to all evil
No such thing as selfish people.

Lets pretend no rapes ever occurred
And everybody in this world just started to love.
Lets pretend no wars ever toke place.
Ans no person got judged for color or race.

Lets pretend racism came to an end
And all black, brown, white could just be friend.
All religions and cultures happily got along
And people would think twice before doing wrong.

Lets pretend no one blew up no train or bus
And all politicians started to care about us!
And no one ever complained or made a fuss.

Pretend, Pretend! Why do we have to pretend?
Why cant this all be reality of the world we live in!
Why do we have to wish, Why cant this all be true?
Why does it have to matter if your Muslim, Christian or Jew!

My mum always told me 'Do good...And good will follow'
But I wonder why the innocent have to go to bed with tears to swallow
And yet there are many people who don't know the real definition of sorrow!

I just pray to Allah to give us the guidance and strength.
Just like He gave to the one's before us that went.

Lets always wish for the best, Stay true to our Deen
Love your close ones, Keep your heart clean.
Indeed we shall be rewarded! As two of Allah's names are Ar-Rahman and Ar-Raheem.

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