Love! Not hate!

Submitted by : writer1 on Islam

Muslims killing other Muslims! Syria, Iraq, and other countries! Why!
Muslims or non-Muslims – there should be no killing!
But what do we find?
One person is attacked, shot at, beaten
Another’s family is killed
After carrying on like this for years
Is their desire fulfilled?

No! It only increases! And why?

Like a fire which grows with more fuel
Hate only fuels more hate
More violence and destruction
But remember, it’s still not too late

Stop now and decide – no more bloodshed
No more hate or violence – only peace
Rather than make the Ummah decline
Work for it to, in every way, increase

Don’t use divisions such as different groups
Shia, Sunni, non- believer or others
As excuses for hostility, causing divisions
If not in faith, then in humanity we’re brothers

Hate fuels hate, murders fuel murders
Only reconciliation, and eventually love, can heal
Rather than letting the fire of hate to spread
With reason and love make the flames kneel

As I write this I think of Syria, in an even worse state than before
Do what you can to help: donate to humanitarian efforts, write for peace, make Dua
Don’t worry about the size of your contribution in relation to the problem
Just put your drop of water on the fire
With enough drops, even big fires are extinguished
Never stop calling for peace and patient perseverance:

By time
Indeed, mankind is in loss
Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience.
Sura al Asr – Holy Quran, Chapter 103

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