Mother and child

Submitted by : admin on Death

Mother and child

Oh little one your life is done
You'll leave me behind
I must go on.
The one to whom you belong
Has more rights than I
To such a pure soul
Which knows no guile
We were together for such a short while.

I'll never forget you
The hours we stayed, my tears touched your pain.
Your dim smile, weighs on my heart
A love between us - that no distance can part.

Your killers should know
They've waged war on your Maker
Your innocent blood, your gentle eyes
In hope and trust turned to the skies
Above which reigns the Knower of all
Who sees everything, and witnessed your fall.

Yet, stand they do, amidst guns and tanks,
Glorying in their might
But afraid of children, on they fight
How will they be, on a day sure to come
When the Knower of all, will see justice done.

But now, I leave your small body to rest
Back in the soil from which it was made.
I pat your grave lightly, silent tears fill my eyes
For I know that in peace you abide.

Little innocent one, who now knows no fear
all deeds that were done
Were filled with love, and the pure nature on which you build
Al Khafid, The Abaser, will see your rights fulfilled

With steady eye, and wary hand
I return and walk throughout the land
Over which so much hate and fear
Drives out justice, kills all that's dear.

In truth I'll abide
Step by step I'll obey
the rules of the Creator
Awaiting the day
I'll join you in peace.
So wait now, my precious little one
For surely my time will soon be done.

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