My Luckiest Day

Submitted by : Sohail Syed on Muslim

My Luckiest Day

My eyes got a pure sight
Endless reason to love
Not a single desire to fight

The wrongs in my life
Becoming right

The blackout of darkness
Lit into a brighter white
On the luckiest day of my life
The day Allai saw me
With His graceful eyes

I lost my comfort
Felt extremely nice
My head and nose
My knees and toes
Prostrating on the floor

My first little weep
Deep within the core
Cleansing my eyes
To peep within the door

My body baptized
Restarting my brain
Purifying my soul
On the luckiest day of my life
A reason to rejoice
No need to sacrifice
Good the day I died
Got a genuine excuse
To stay alive

On the luckiest day of life
The day Allai saw me
With His graceful eyes

Written by: Sohail Syed

Poem Category: Eternal Truth
(Chit Chat with the Arch Angel Gabriel)

Author’s Comments

- This was the day when I accepted Islam in Hyderabad

- Although I was born in a Muslim family, still did not know anything about ALLAH or His messengers or about His teachings, infact I was more into Hinduism and Christianity, but then in those religions I felt human interpolation, unscientific and illogical beliefs, the message wasn’t completely divine, I felt as if the word of GOD was fiddled and changed by the words of men, My brother Musa brain washed me and made me read The Glorious Koran, he was the one who guided me to the straight path and turned me towards light, I realized that Islam is the only faith which has maintained its purity without any contradictions

- It’s the only Religion which is Scientifically Logical as well as Truly Spiritual

- I believe that just by being born in a Muslim Family doesn’t make any one a muslim, your Inner Conscious & your deeds should actually believe & follow in every article of The True Koran to undoubtedly call yourself a Believer – A Momin

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