My tears for Gaza, Palestine

Submitted by : UmmSayf Bint Muhammad on Palestine

This Poem is for Gaza. InshaAllah with the help from Allah Gaza shall live in free! this poem is called **My tears for Gaza, Palestine
What can I do when my brothers are killed?
What is worse than my sisters being raped?
What is more heartbreaking than seeing my baby sisters and brothers abused?
It hurts me inside and makes me cry.
I can’t watch the news; all I see is rubbish bull.
They will hide the truth and tell you what least benefits you.
Lie about the Muslims and give power to the Yahuud
Kufar countries are all on one side.
Why can’t our ummah be united?
Why can’t we all support Gaza?
I hate seeing rich doctors, nurses and engineers
Who I know can help and don’t even dare
To put one penny inside that brown box right by their side.
I want to remind you something for those of you who care
Imagine your brother being killed and tortured.
Imagine your own sister being raped and beaten.
Imagine your own baby being abused.
For those of you who care, make Dua and prayer
We must love and no longer take pain.
We must not let Gaza feel alone.
We must help our mothers, our brothers, and sisters.
This silent cry must soon STOP!
Gaza must live in peace and no longer in fear.

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