O Ramadhan

Submitted by : admin on Islam

O Ramadhan

O Ramadhan, finally you are here!
The month I hold my heart so dear
Much we have toiled to play different roles
Now I rejuvenate the spirit and tired soul
O Ramadhan it’s been a long wait!
Now’s time to reflect on our state!

Standing in long nights’ prayer
Every moment as precious treasure
Muslims is mosques in straights formation
The symphony of Quranic recitations
Hold my heart full of joy unexplained

The state which the heart weeps in awe
Of the fountain of Allah’s greatness and Mercy
Sighing and to contemplate deeply
Of the unangelic deeds I did hastily
Now I take time to sit and reflect
On all my actions which I must correct
To clean the heart we must try
The stained soul we must also purify

Our minds be chained – free from stress
The nafs we must lock and suppress
Waste not time to idle in worldly cares
For Ramadhan is month of pure comfort
To delight is his pleasure and cleanse our sin
From the restless heart within
Striving and fighting the inner foe
As tears of repentance starts to flow
As sweet love for Allah grows and grows

Writtem by Sis Udiana Jamalludin

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