Our Tests

Submitted by : admin on Islam

Our Tests

We have been told numerous times
That the journey to Jannah is not a free ride.
Trials and tests we must all face
To distinguish between the true and weak-faith.

Many give up while on the true path
We can see that the weak-hearted never last.
True love for Allaah always sees us through
If you keep making duâ'aa, He'll respond to you.

Nay! He is not named Al-Mujeeb for nothing
Verily, Allaah truly is The Responsive.
The plea of His slave, He loves to Hear
Surely, can you believe that Allaah's not there?

Patience is a virtue that must be attained
By the Will of Allaah, Jannah will be gained.
With every hardship definitely comes ease
Allaah's our Witness, Al-Shaheed.

Along with patience comes gratitude
Allaah's The Loving, Al-Wadood.
Truly He loves us when we obey
If we stick to Islaam, we'll never go astray.

Tribulations befall those whom Allaah loves
Passing His tests makes you free like as a dove.
To know that you stuck through it with Him
Truly Allaah Knows all, He's Al-'Aleem!

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