Our Thoughts Are Not Scattered

Submitted by : mbilalm on Think

A need to acquire an accurate understanding,
but the expression beyond the media propaganda,
the fight for freedom and the freedom to fight,
everyone has their own journey and way,

They sent us to school, they taught us mindset,
but, it means much more than mountains of wealth,
the power structure and its new wave bonded,
real knowledge is disregarded but the underworld,

Struggle is a form of purification,
but, whispers of Satan keeps talking to the people,
is not a red man with horns and a tail,
the reality of our perception can tell.

even while staunchly, holding our own views,
a place called home, our code of ethics,
there is a voice inside talking to everyone,
there is a wrong way, there is a right way,

further, our thoughts are not scattered,
scattered is what appears to be on the surface.
The proof is established, the messengers were sent,
messengers, conveyors of glad tidings and warnings,

the awareness of monotheism belief, word and deed,
we must be able to analyse the world around us,
the masters of language and the art of oratory,
but the calamity is to be negligent or fall into extremes.

In times of social strife, one needs knowledge,
whatever the real is it should be brought to light,
the people of truth are hidden as they look strange,
the truth hurts, overall it gets lost in translation,

we commit many atrocities in front of our face,
the filth of procrastination, the blame of disbelieve,
we are all survivors but worldly desire is our defeat,
the distorted reflection at the end of the story,

dear friend, be wary of hate propaganda spread,
no wonder blind followers fall into the ditch,
extremists arise due to abandonment of the moderate,
we deal with loss when we mere contemplate.

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