Our writing is just a tool – yet another device!

Submitted by : qalamuddin on Strugle

I read with sadness of two recent posts
The Devil is smiling the most
This is the tribulation we face
When we seek Allah’s grace

Let me write you an advice
Our writing is just a tool – yet another device
This is a tremendous gift from Allah for us to share
Even if others don’t care

Our goals are beyond praises and accolade
As we expect others to relate
And of coz as human we expect others to appreciate
The least, this we thought is appropriate

But listen to me fellow brothers
Even if no one bothers
There is always Allah – looking over our shoulder
You think your work is a waste – and you decided not to write to bother

This is a great loss
Yes we’ll be the Devil’s toss
As da’wah work is never easy
We cannot be too picky and choosy

Look at past prophets - Noah (as) is a good example
Of his tribes only few tried his sample*
Prophet Noah (as) didn’t get even a cent
Preaching what Allah has sent

Please reflect again and don’t be a pawn
Think again who has won!
When you quit just because nobody response
This makes my heart torn

Rasulullah (saw) mentions Muslims are all brothers
And when one of us is hurt, his pain is felt too by others
And when we response please take into consideration
Don’t write with emotion but with careful deliberation

This is my thought making this worse I dare not
Please Bro K Ibrahim don’t stop
Just follow our beloved Prophet
And pray that we are not the devil’s puppets

As for Muslimhero, your response to defend us writer is much appreciated
Remember the reason we write is not to create – such thing as hatred
If we write for Allah – Allah will response in a way or other
But if we write for human, definitely some will not even bother!

Penned by Qalamuddin

* Al-Quran: 71: 5-7. He said: "O my Lord! I have called to my People night and day: "But my call only increases (their) flight (from the Right)." "And every time I have called to them, that thou mightest forgive them, they have (only) thrust their fingers into their ears, covered themselves up with their garments, grown obstinate, and given themselves up to arrogance.

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