Palms Up!

Submitted by : Wayfarer on Think

Palms Up

Living in strange times
Checking the foretold

Palms up, palms up,
Everybody palms up!

Fancy skyscrapers being built
Racing to the stars
No, make that Mars!

Palms up, palms up,
Everybody palms up!

My kid says jump and I ask how high
Does she really need the DS3,
She’s already got a playstation, psp and wii?
Better just get it for her else she’ll throw a tantrum or three

Palms up, palms up
Everybody palms up!

Got so many problems that I can’t think straight
Being me these days is like putting a target on my face
Maybe I’ll be better off like the man in that grave

Palms up, palms up,
Everybody palms up!

Maybe I should drown my sorrows in sum booze
Booze got so many names what would I chooze?
Yo, it’s even in the medicine and food these days
Alcohol in disguise is here to stay!

Palms up, palms up,
Everybody palms up!

Can’t walk down the street
Will be permanently looking at my feet
Coz the couples making out
Sheesh, I wish they’d be more discreet
It’s everywhere, man, don’t be such a dweeb!

Palms up, palms up,
Everybody palms up!

Thought I felt the ground shaking
Was it my stomach quaking?
The Earth’s fed up with us
Disaster in the making!

Palms up, palms up,
Everybody palms up!

Where has the time flown
Feel like I just go outta bed
But I’m on the train going home from work instead

Palms up, palms up,
Everybody palms up!

Can’t look at the newspaper – murders by the hour
Hey, wasn’t the mayor suspended – is he already back in power?

Palms up, palms up,
Everybody palms up!

Swung by the masjid during my lunch break
Guess what, no imam to lead the prayer
Sad times in the make!

Palms up, palms up,
Everybody palms up!

Strange times are upon us
Check it unfold
But all of this has already been foretold
All that’s left is pray
And hope
That that the Most Merciful will guide us the right way!

Palms up, palms up,
Everybody Palms up!

Palms up, palms up,
Everybody palms up!

Palms up, palms up,
Everybody palms up!

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