Submitted by : Hamza on Islam


As I look searchingly into the sky
I look for a sign from Allah the most high
People think I'm crazy sitting in this cold
But I quest for something more precious than gold

For mankind this sign represents something great
but for the rejected one, it fills him with hate
Suddenly out of the darkness the moon does appear
the whole world rejoices 'Ramadan is here'

During Ramadan the shaytan is in chains
and Allah's mercy for a month reigns
The doors of heaven are open wide
begging for mankind to enter and abide

So often in Hadith we are reminded and told
that rewards are multiplied by many a fold
In this month do good deeds and read Quran
spend your time wisely and learn Islam

After all these years I have made up my mind
the right path and salvation I wish to find
To Allah's will I will surrender at last,
enshallah, Allah will forgive my past

Forgive-all those sins too good it sounds
but Allah's mercy knows no bounds
With sins stacked like mountains so high
will be forgiven within a blink of an eye

This Ramadan my heart and soul are alive
ready to change and ready to strive,
No more will the shaytan hold me back
in the worship of my Lord nothing will lack

Together lets make the decision to change
our priorities in this life lets re-arrange
This life on Earth is short and fast
but the life in the hereafter will forever last

Ironically this life for us holds much value
when the next life is the one thats true
To make effort on Dunya we never tire
but will it take us to paradise or hell fire?

This month will give a fresh perspective
on the way we ought to and the way we live
With Zikr and prayer lets increase our Iman
Join me and together lets celebrate Ramadan

With Ramadan here the changes begin,
Firstly walking away from a life of sin
The shackles of sin I have worn so long
Now caste away to the righteous I belong

The seeker finds and mercy does shower
On lail-a-tul Qadr - the night of Power
The Quran came down on this blessed night
A guidance for mankind an illuminating light

From the depth of your Soul please pray
as Duas are accepted and sins wiped away
Ask with a clean heart is all Allah requires
and ask for whatever good the soul desires

Listen to the Quran every night in Tarawih
Ah.. Allah's words what spiritual ecstasy
It cools your heart and calms your soul
So with crystal clear vision perceive your goal

For this goodness to last there is a price
For the Deen of truth you need sacrifice
To toss aside Dunya you hold so dear
Nothing but Allah will you ever fear.

Tossing and turning through every night
the demon called Dunya you need to fight
the demon called nafs you need to tame
because struggling to surrender is your ultimate aim

Etikaf is a another gift that Allah sent
The Last ten days in His path spent
in the Mosque in the presence of your Lord
doing Zikr, Talawat or Salah at your own accord

These days to Allah you must also dedicate
then disbelief and ignorance your will hate
The Quran and Sunnah will be your guide
Only then faith in your heart will reside.

Beginning this Ramadan lets make amends
Study and practice until our life ends
Everything but our deeds we leave behind
this is the truth to which we were blind

Our cars, wealth and house on earth will stay
our actions are the companions on that day
when your breath expires so does hope
so hold on firmly to Allah's rope

There is great wisdom in this rhyme
Its dedicated to me before its my time
for these changes my soul does yearn
this Ramadan enshallah its my turn

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