Submitted by : NISHTHAR IDROOS on Think


Why is a God of love causing earthquakes?
Why is a God of love causing floods and landslides?
Why is a God of love causing forest fires and drought?
Why is a God of love causing famine and hunger?
Why is a God of love causing ships to capsize and planes to crash?
Oh why? Tell me why? If you only knew why?
Why is a God of love permitting AIDS to kill millions?
Why is a God of love permitting Cancer to kill millions?
Why is a God of love permitting Heart diseases to kill millions?
Oh why? Tell me why? If you only knew why?
Why is a God of love allowing smoking to kill millions?
Why is a God of love allowing alcohol to kill millions?
Why is a God of love allowing drugs to kill millions?
Oh why? Tell me why? If you only knew why?
I’ll tell you why.
This is no rocket science,
I've studied His scriptures, including The final one sent to All mankind that’s why.
Such a God does not exist, except may be in the imagination of people.
Reinforced by ignoramuses, charlatans and a myriad of roaming devils.
This is a God created by the people.
This is a God programmed by the people.
This is a God metamorphosed and multiplied by the people.
If God was love, purely love, exclusively love, only love and nothing but love.
Why are the above calamities taking place?
Oh people have you got no sense!
Oh people why you don’t think!
Oh people why are you so unintelligent?
Oh people why are you deluding yourself?
Oh people why are you so crazy?
Yes our Lord is no doubt The All Kind, All Wise, The Ever Merciful, The Ever Providing, The Pardoner. The Most Forgiving, The Loving, The Protector, The Gentle One, The One Who delays things wisely, The Creator, The Knower of all apparent things, The All Merciful among others.
He is also The Forceful One, The Ever Dominating One, The Strong One, The Knowledgeable one, The Powerful, The One who seizes, The Encompassing One, The Almighty.
He is Allah; there is none worthy of worship in truth but Him, The Most High.
Who sent a total of 124,000 Prophets & Messengers to teach and remind Mankind.
So that we’ll not have excuses in the grave and on that promised eventful day!
Twenty five of them are mentioned in the last and final testament, The Quraan.
You want to know about Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (On all be peace)
In the pure, clear and incorrupt form.
Then Read! Your Lords final message!
Read in the Name of Your Lord Who has created all that exists.
He created man from a mere clot of blood.
Read and your Lord is the Most Generous.
Read! Read! and Read until The Most Merciful guides you.
Read and know for sure why calamities do take place.


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