Ramadan is here

Submitted by : admin on Islam

Ramadan is here

Ramadan is here, its here!
Ramadan oh so dear, so dear

During this month we must fast
Opportunity for our good deeds to amass

From food and drink we abstain
Satan this month is put on a chain

Wake late in the night for Tahajjud
Pray like you really truly should

Duas at this early hour readily accepted
Almighty Allah hears all, the Most Elevated

Then eat your delicious sehri food
Throughout the day don’t be in a mood

Muslims fast all over worldwide
Rewards in this month multiplied

Your eyes will soon open up wide
Looking at all those samosas fried

But don’t just anxiously await the iftaar
Make dua, ask to be kept from sins afar

Recite the Holy Qur’an much
Each and every sunnah try to clutch

Make good speech your norm
Extra Nafl salaah do perform

Having kept your fast during the day
At night Taraweeh stand and pray

Practise the beautiful way of our Prophet*
And for eternity hereafter increase your profit!

* Peace and Blessing upon him
May Allah give us all the ability to make the most of this blessed month of Ramadan, ameen.

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