"Remember Me and I will remember you"

Submitted by : muslim89 on Strugle

"Remember Me and I will remember you"

So many tears
And unknown fears
These racing thoughts, the mind won’t clear
But the One High Above is Here
Always near
With His Might & Power
He can change and repair
The Only One Who truly cares,
And comforts me;

“Do not despair (39:53),
I am All-Aware (60:1)
The Disposer of All-Affairs (6:102)
I am near I answer the prayer (2:186)
Call upon Me (40:60)
Put your trust in Me (11:123)
The All-Mighty (59:24)
Verily! I am Allah! (20:14)
There is no God but He (6:102)
The One & Only (112:1)
So Worship Me (20:14)
Such is Allah your Lord in truth (10:32)
The All-Knower of everything (6:101)
Then high above all be Allah, The true King! (20:114)
...Able to do all things (35:1)
The Lord of the Supreme Throne (23:116)
I created not the jinn and mankind except that they worship me (Alone) (51:56)

Who created death and life... to test which of you is best… (67:2)
Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest (13:28)
Allah is the Comforter (2:257)
The Giver of Peace! (59:23)
With Hardship comes ease... (94:6)
So worship Me, and perform As-Salat (prayer) for my Remembrance (20:14)
Seek help in patience (2:45)
To your Lord (alone) turn (all your) intentions and hopes (94:8)
And hold fast all of you together, to the Rope... (3:103)

Call upon Me (40:60)
Put your trust in Me (11:123)
Do not fear them but fear Me (2:150)
Call upon Allah... (17:110)
By whatever name you call upon Him (17:110)
For to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names (17:110)

...Let not this present life deceive you and let not the chief deceiver deceive you (35:5)
Do not follow the footsteps of Shaytan (24:21)
Treat him as your enemy… (35:6)
Do not despair of My Mercy (39:53)
...The Most Merciful (39:53)

I have perfected your religion (Deen) for you (5:3)
Completed My favour upon you (5:3)
And have chosen Islam as your Deen (5:3)
Allah Loves those who are pure and clean (2:222)
Truly Allah Loves the good-doers (2:195)
And whatever of blessings and good things you have, is from Allah (16:53)
If you are grateful, I will give you more… (14:7)
Verily! My promise is true (35:5)
Remember Me and I will remember you.” (2:152)

By SparkaPoet 08/04/2012

Inspired by the Noble Qur’an and dedicated to all the brothers and sisters who are suffering in the path of Allah, inshaAllah you find comfort in these verses and remember Him much (speak for myself first).

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