
Submitted by : writer1 on Think

To all those who love their children, parents, spouses, siblings, friends and others

Sirens wailing, we both hear sirens wailing
And stop briefly, that internal shiver
Raindrops on our window lit up in blue
Huddle together as they quiver

You, my loved one, light up my heart
Yet I sometimes have this background anxiety
Will you always be safe, my beloved?
Do you know how dear you are to me?

So many police call outs for so many crimes
So many ambulance calls for so much pain
So many fire engines called for all these fires
And I'm sensitive to even hearing your name

My dear beloved, I want to keep you protected
My sweet potato, honey pot, beautiful flower
My rose, my peace, delight of my eye
But I, my loved one, don't have much power

I can't always be with you everywhere
Sometime we have to be apart
I can only do my best and pray
From the deepest realm of my heart

That all good comes to you my beloved
And I do my duties too in good faith
Till we die, then reunite
In that longed for, better place

Saqib Hussain - author of "Sweet Bird" and other works available for free download from

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