Souls for sale!

Submitted by : writer1 on Strugle

Souls for sale! Souls for sale!
Selling so cheap, so cheap!!

Souls selling for so cheap these days
If you look around, you'll be amazed
People give up peace and sell
Their souls in different ways

To get more money some commit crime
Face to face, over the phone or online
Stealing peoples hard earned money
Then telling themselves it's fine

Some decide to serve their own lusts
These also you can't trust
Slaves to the self, bound in chains
To their own souls they are unjust

Some are so desperate for fame
For everyone to know their name
To gain popularity they do anything
Go through humiliation and pain

Some always take more than they need
Food, possessions, another type of greed
Making mind and body slower and stressed
Souls chained to excess need to be freed!

After selling their soul some later see
They practically gave it away for free
Selling something priceless for a price
Giving the permanent for the temporary

Rather than work to get their soul back
Some decide to go even further off track
Their emptiness inside getting worse
Constantly feeling a sense of lack

Souls selling for so cheap these days
If you look around, you'll be amazed

"Your souls are precious, and can only be equal to the price of Paradise, so do not sell them for anything else" - Imam Ali (AS)

Saqib Hussain
Author of "Sweet Bird" and other works, available for free download from

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