Sufism-love is all there is

Submitted by : hanifan on Islam

Sufism-Love is all there is.

From the deepest and darkest realms of the Universe,
echo the words of ‘Almighty Allah’ that bring us to tears.

The words of The ‘Creator’ that fill us with bliss,
words carved on our hearts that, ‘ love is all there is’.

Mankind was created with love by ‘The Lord of the Throne’,
but creating love on earth, man with his soul must do all alone.

To create pure love man must in himself create the ‘Trinity’,
the bringing together of the mind, body and soul working in harmony.

To bring love to others man must first love himself,
unfortunately man will normally just sit on the shelf.

The vaults of the mind are filled with deep mysteries,
from the misty corridors come the words “Love is all there is”.

This simple truth as been echoed throughout the ages,
by the Prophets (pbut), the Saints and all of the Sages.

If mankind could cut out the ‘Shaytan’, the biggest of all cancer,
the simple truth would out that, “Love is the answer”.

To live life without love, is to live life in fear,
but to find love in your soul is something to cheer.

Will you live life with fear or will you live life with love?
create what you will, but please listen to the guidance from above.

When you create the ‘Trinity’ and love is your all,
every truth you speak comes from ‘The Lord Creator of all’.

Bringing the mind, body and soul together you have created all this,
the greatest achievement of the ‘Trinity’ is to know, “Love is all there is”.

When the grandness of the soul is fully realised,
the love that flows from you will leave you surprised.

“Love is the answer”, the Saints cry from on high,
“Creating love and truth is my dream for you”, ‘Allah’ softly sighs.

Your soul seeks the highest experience, to be, and to feel perfect love,
your mind creates the opportunity; the heart receives the light from above.

The body and soul embrace in the light and share a magical kiss,
‘Allah’ lovingly sighs, “This is your heritage, love is all there is”.

If you create with love you will have nothing to fear,
all good things will befall you and the ones you hold dear.

Your love will overflow, filling others with your heavenly bliss,
sharing the simple truth with them that, ‘Love is all there is’.

Written by Hanifan 09-09-2003

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