That Special “Something”

Submitted by : Wayfarer on Think

That Special “Something”

That feeling of incompleteness
From first moment of consciousness
The constant searching for something
To fill the emptiness

I turned to friends
Copied the trends
Created a few of my own
Surrounded by so many people
Yet feeling so alone…

I turned to academic excellence
Achieved degrees and distinctions
With cap and gown on Graduation Day
But that feeling of something missing
Just did not go away!

I turned to vocation
Choose a reputable occupation
Earned an impressive remuneration
But still felt annoyed
Because nothing filled that void!

Like a hand without a glove
Maybe what I needed was “true love”
Got married
Had children
But still that hollow feeling persisted…

I turned to philosophy
I looked internally
But where, oh where, could that missing piece be?

Disaster Strikes!

No quick-fix solutions
No compromises
No resolutions
Only confusions

The only avenue left is to pray
Maybe that is the right way?

Illusions Shattering
Deceptions breaking
Painful truth
A rude awakening…

Every earthly thing lost
What an insight gained!

The circle of time had turned
Yet once again…
My life is so different but yet just the very same
What a difference it makes
To do everything in Allah’s name!

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