The End Is Near!

Submitted by : qalamuddin on Strugle

The End Is Near!

Yet another year
As the approach of the Hour is near
The things you hold so dear
Will perish soon altogether

Should there be fear?
Take out all protective gear
You can’t stay far and clear
As the end is near

What do you fear?
A blast hurting the ear
No it is more than that my dear
When the end is near.

Each merit has its tier
The same goes if you smear
What did you hear?
Yes, when your end is near*

The day you fear!
Looms so close so near
As close ones were with tears
But what can they do for you dear?

Wish you were not here
Returning to change the life you steered
Is there room for cheers?
Yes, if sins you had stayed clear**

The punishment you fear
A cause for tears
When righteous deeds you jeered!
That is forever your lost, Muslims dear.

So stop and hear!
Make up your mind and be clear
Prepare now since you are still (alive) here
Later there will be no regret, no fear

What do we have to offer?
When we fight each time we differ.
Do we have to suffer?
Come the day hereafter

There is so much at stake
So start a clean slate
Regret, repent that's all it takes
Start now before all is too late

*Al-Quran 29:57
Every soul shall have a taste of death: in the end to Us shall ye be brought back.
** Al-Quran 29:58
But those who believe and work deeds of righteousness -- to them shall. We give a Home in Heaven, lofty mansions beneath which flow rivers, to dwell therein for aye; an excellent reward for those who do (good)!

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