The Quran

Submitted by : repenter86 on Islam

I open the pages of that Book and read with my hurting heart.
I see things making sense in this world we rip apart.
I read those words aloud to let my soul hear well.
I read about the consequence of lies and about the pits of hell.
I read about the rivers that flow with honey, milk and wine.
I read about the gifts of heaven and how the insides shine.
I read about the rights to man and read about the signs.
I read about the miracles and how nothing is unrefined.
I see the truth through words that sing
Read about every cure, every little thing.
I read of how I'm protected with examples from the past.
I read of how I'm meant to pray, and how I'm meant to fast.
My soul is reassured of what it has to do.
A guide Book for my life, a guide book that's for you!
''No compulsion in religion'' is what the Book does say,
Warnings not to be unjust in times of war or pay.
Even the simplest things no man can jot from head.
Like how the pharaoh died and what battles blood was shed.
Like how mountains are pegged into the earth and the
fetus forms inside the womb.
Like how honey is a cure and how we can prevent
pain from satins nasty doom.
Like the way the word year is mentioned 365 times in this book....
If you don't believe that, take a careful close up look!
Like the way it talks about planets floating in an orbit high.
With seven skies and thunder is the angel's praising cry.
It tells us about the black hole that sweeps everything in its way.
Only discovered recently by scientist and nothing that they say...
Nothing that they've said has not been mentioned in this Book.
If you don't believe that, then take a careful close up look!
Like the way my heart feels when I've read a couple lines.
How my chin is lifted and my heart and soul shines.
There's so much more I'd be here all day.
Proof this Book is not a mere eloquent play
This Book, all the education of today
This Book, see what it has to say.
What would you lose by reading a page?
Your sure to feel no hatred, no anger nor mans cruel rage.
Open your eyes for this Book is made ''for those who understand!''
I quote that from the Book itself
It's time you had a look to see if you can READ....
It's time you gave your soul a chance, see it for yourself.

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