The ability of the Dajjal!

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Bismillah Ir-Rahman, Ir-Raheem. I begin with ALLAH's auspiciousness,whose Name is the Best among all the names. All Revences, All Sanctities and All Worships are due to ALLAH alone. Ashahadu An Laa illaaha illal llahu

Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abdu Hu Wa Rasooluhu

''I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah

who is without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is the Rasool.''

"O Allah, Shower Your Peace come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have brought peace to Ibrahim and his family.

Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah, Shower your blessing upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious". Iam Satisfied with Allâh as My Rabb and Cherisher,Iam Satisfied With Islam as My Din(religion) and I am satisfied with Muhammad as a Rasulallah (Messenger)sallallahu alaihi was salam) I seek Protection with ALLAH! With the Glorious and Noble Face of ALLAH! With the Complete and Perfect words of ALLAH! With the Exalted Attributes of ALLAH! From the Punishment of Hell; From chastisement in the Grave; From the Trial of Life and Death; From the Mischief of the dajjal. There is no power nor strength with (anyone) save Allah. ALLAH is Good and Only accept that which is Good. ALLAH is the Truth and only accept that which True. ALLAH is Pure and only accept that which is Pure. Ya ALLAH! ALL the praises are for You,You are the Holder of the Heavens and the Earth, And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are are the Substaner of the Heavens and the Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All the praises are for you; You have the Possession of the Heavens and the Earth and whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All the praises are for You; You are Light (Nur) of the Heavens and Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are the King of the Heavens and the Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are the Truth and Your Promise is the Truth, And Your word is the Truth and the Meeting with You is true, And Paradise is True And Hell is true and All the Prophets(peace be upon them) are true; And Muhammad Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) is true,And the Day of Resurrection is True. Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your promise is the truth,Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your words is the truth, Ya ALLAH! You have promise and You are the Truth! Ya ALLAH! You have created Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) to be the most truthful of men and what He(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) has said is the absolute truth!
-------------------The word Dajjal in Arabic means Deceiver or Liar. The emergence of the Dajjal (AntiChrist or False Messiah) is the most dangerous among the signs that indicate the Day of Judgment is approaching, even people with strong faith will be shaken. ALLAH created the Dajjal to test people's faith and the entire World.-------Based on our numerical analysis of the Quran, Hadith, and Arabic Words for our End Times book, We believe that The Dajjal, evil one and the Dajjals will appear in the beginning of the first phase of the End Times.Soon after this will trigger the emergence of the Mahdi, And Within 7 years Near the end of the first phase of the End Times, This will trigger the descent of Prophet ISA (Alayhi wa salam) from Heaven.----------------ALLAH will give him(dajjal) control over the weather, so it is very possible that what we have seen in Houston, Tx. Hurricane Harvey! May have been the work of the Dajjal, it is most likely! We do not know what exist in other cities in America, But we do know what exist in Houston, Tx. Among the Muslims and they are here! The Dajjals and their followers are here! And have been here for years! And many people in Houston, in America and in the World know that, and many so called Muslims in Houston, in America and the World know that!
While the world is keeping silent and America is keeping silent, Unfortanetly, The Muslim world is also keeping silent! The Muslim world is also mere watching! And then we say why isn’t the world and the Muslim world saying anything? They rather fill their par kit with dollars, then to fill their Hearts with Faith in ALLAH! ----These are not just ordinary people who just happen to be blind in the right and left eye these are the dajjals, and They have subtle and direct control over the Muslims in houston,tx.---Why is it that the dajjals can sit in the masjids in Houston, Tx. With the Masjids full of muslims from everywhere in the Muslim World and No one recognizes these creatures? The answer is very simple!
The Iman of the Muslim is very weak which have resulted in many people falling into the dajjals deception.
And Ether they(Muslim people) do not want to recognizes them out of fear that if they are really the dajjals, that the fitnah will start and they choose to ignore the fact that they are among us and also the Masonic and Jewish influences in the Masjids are so strong that it has blinded the hearts of the Muslm people! But All the believers will be able to identify them as Dajjals.
----In narrations even mentioned, the Dajjal command the sky to rain, then the sky was rain. He commanded the earth to grow the plants, then the earth was growing the plants with all the results. He also may be ordered to be barren ground when people who live in places that do not comply. ----The False Messiah will also have the power to control the weather and the produce of the earth. This sort of confusion does not end here. He will travel to desolate lands and bring forth treasure and crops and wealth. Wealth will follow him everywhere he goes, and those that believe in him will benefit from this wealth. For those that obey, follow, and worship him, he will reward them with abundant crops and wealth. And those that do not worship him (namely, The believing Muslims people) he will punish them with famine and poverty. This is why the fitnah (trials) of the Dajjal will be so difficult. -He will rise to power with his so called miracles and powerful magic.he will able to manipulate the circumstances in people lives, this will be the appearance of fitan (tribulations). He will travel throughout the world spreading his corruption. The Anti-Christ will first declare himself to be a prophet of God. Then he will claim that he is God himself. Most of the people in the world will believe in him and worship him. He will confuse people by showing them something that looks like a river of water, but is really a river of fire, and something that looks like fire but is really water. He will also try to convince the Muslims World as well. Many, Many Muslims will follow him and many will not. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has warned us to stay away from the Dajjal completely, since some people will go to him as thinking they are believers, and leave a disbelievers.

However, one of the best Muslims will recognize the Dajjal for who he is and go out to confront him. That Muslim will say “I bear witness you are the Dajjaal that our Prophet has warned us about.”

The Anti-Christ will then ask the other weak people who pretend to be Muslims: “If I kill this man and bring him back to life, will you still doubt me?”

The people will say “No,” and the Anti-Christ will kill the Muslim and bring him back to life. Then the believer will say: “Now I know for certain that you are The Dajjaal!”

The Dajjal will try to kill him again, but will not be able. ---------- According to one hadith, the Antichrist will be on earth for forty days. But these days are not like normal days. One day will be like a year, one day will be like a month, one will be like a week, and the remaining 37 days will be like normal days. If we take this literally, it would appear that he will be amongst us for about one year and two and a half months. But Allah knows best. Some scholars say 40 days, some say 40 months and some say 40 years. But Allah knows best. ---- ---------------------------------------------There are three aspects of Dajjal:

1. The individual and individuals, The Dajjal is a person, and there are also many Dajjals some are major and some manner from every race, some are blind in the right eye and some are blind in the left eye. And some are only recognizable by the evil that they do. But all are Human Devils. Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam ) said: " The Hour will not occur until 30 Dajjals (Deceivers or False Prophets) appear, and all of them claim to be of prophet of God." (Abu Dawud) In a variation of this Hadith, Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam ) said: : " The Hour will not occur until 30 lying Dajjals (Deceivers or False Prophets) appear, and all of them lie about Allah and Allah's Messenger." (Abu Dawud)


Out of these 30 Dajjals, the last one will probably be the most evil one.

2. A worldwide system,

a worldwide social and cultural phenomenon. 3. An unseen force. Who can get inside the human beings and possess them and transform into Dajjals. The unseen force can manipulate the social order in the be continued.




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