The flirting game

Submitted by : Showkat on Youth

The flirting game

I see you You see me
Our eyes meet
You look away
Too late

The chase is on
I like the thrill of the hunt
You likes to be pursued
Makes you feel good
The harder I try
The further you move away
It’s like trying to catch my shadow
Oh! What to do

The warmer I get The colder you reciprocate
Logic says I should ignore you
And act aloof With pride and prejudice
Not nice But the only way to break your ice

Phone calls, emails and texts stop
No more hanging around your college and work place
No more meetings in the library and park
Your mood gets dark
You feel lonely and unwanted Insecure and unattractive

Pride and arrogance stops you from calling or txting
You tell your best friend
It’s been a week And he aint been in touch
Maybe he’s moved on
Doesn’t need me anymore
As you cry your heart out

Your friend gives me a missed call And blank text
I know the game so I call
You sound happy and relieved
Wonder why I aint been in touch
I’ve been unwell and busy What about you
Oh! I was unwell also

So the game continues Lying and betraying
Causing pain and anguish to the players
But it’s the only game
When you’re young And hormones are excited

No one considers marriage
Especially when your 19
But it’s the best way
To maintain your chastity, honour and dignity
And avoid a bad rep
And ruin your chances of marriage to a decent guy from the UK
Otherwise it’s only the visitors
Students and work permit holders
Via the middle men and women

For guys it’s cool to play the field
For women it aint allowed
Hypocrisy in our culture
Coz its man made literally
Dignity and equality only in Islam
Where both parties get slammed, rapped and shamed equally

It’s your life as the saying goes
You’re free to choose
Thank Allah for free will
Don’t follow the crowd
Think for yourself

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