"The land of the free"

Submitted by : mbilalm on Strugle

Among the children of Israel,
the wisdom of all the sons of the east,
under his palm and his fig tree,
Solomon’s wisdom surpassed every man,
peace on all sides around about him,
For he had dominion over animals
birds, fish and creeping things
Solomon did not disbelieve,
God gave Solomon wisdom,
but the devils disbelieved
teaching men magic, deception
the offence of inciting dirty tricks

magicians, plotters and demons,
they planned an everyday thing,
desiring to live in a magic world,
magic was only a test for them,
they couldn´t resist the temptations,
felling in disobedience and oppression,
to trace the roots of disbelieve in God,
Silently they rescued buried secrets,
They mastered the sworn to secrecy,
Terror is part of their underworld.

They built an empire of fantasy,
tides of darkness, soldiers with flags,
on the streets they recruit the sacrifice,
School boys join their party in crowds,
the sorcerers kings offer them a prize,
they aim to travel around the world,
war booty is heard in their whispers,
they eagerly pledged their loyalties,
A manhunt after those who have faith,
It seems to be a promise of Satan.

The devil became an idol of worship,
is not a red man with horns and a tail
different images and visions can tell
They did plot as they did blasphemy
People's questions did not persist
Dark influence is now barely halted,

They stoned the messengers of God
The truth matters when you speak,
Wicked people increase in numbers,
Information, manipulation, power,
Everything men touch is vicious.

A preacher abolished the law of God
A liar who has got only an eye,
The trends are on the social media,
Statements are carried by the press
Islam revives to destroy the illusionist
people witness the chase and taste
The veil is banned in the land of the free
Fashion Shows stimulate the masses
No playground misses sex and drugs
the streets are busy with naked people
either short, tight or transparent
the majority worship in clubs and pubs
they dance with devil surrounded by demons,
nowadays a bad boy is the most wanted,
and nowadays a good guy is boring
Reality is hated to support the fun.

They look at different standards
Like a man and his house slave.
Rights and freedom are being lost,
Riots want to burn the world,
A journey to the market stock,
It seems to be a prison,
No smell, taste or touch,
Just like loaded trade ships,
with plague rats in bondage.

In the outskirts of the city
everybody used to get along,
there were feelings of compassion,
There were feelings of love,
there were feelings and unity,
all of those feelings have been lost.

As the travelers arrive into the city,
anger, secrecy and privacy,
never been into extremes before,
each day, they were feeling nervous,
they carry on the survival techniques.

Real soldiers and strugglers,
those who try to pass the test
from the cradle to the grave,
constantly seeking for knowledge,
they don't believe in what they see
with different forms and shapes
artificial and superficial
they act like a blind person
their efforts is to follow One God
a mutual advice for righteousness.
the blessings of time and health,
their kindness overcomes their bravery,
nevertheless they are the bravest,
this is serious against their enemy,
sense is to defend ourselves
against our own, enemy within.

they are the loudest voice in the world
the enemy within and his inmates
the enemies within are found guilty
of oppression and depression
the picture of wilderness in the night
they desire adornments of the worldly life
the perception is how they live.
The light snatches away their sight
for the braking of the covenant
Alone with the evil, they say,
“we were only mockers,
indeed, we are with you”.
In the land of the free.

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