The people of opposition?

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Allâh, subhânahu wa ta‘âla, says, “And know that Allâh knows what is in your minds, so fear Him.” [2:235] “And Allâh is Ever a Watcher over all things.” [33:52] “And He is with you wherever you may be.” [57:4]

The opposition in people is of three kinds. Only those that Allâh protects are free from these. The first kind is the opposition to His Names and Attributes by presenting false and unclear matters. These falsities are negated because of what Allâh and His Messenger have ascribed for Him. These people have ascribed to Allâh what He negated for Himself. By doing so, they became loyal to His enemies and enemies to His Allies. They changed the words from the correct status and have abandoned, as a result, a great part of what was sent to them.
They are those that have divided their religion into differing sects with each group rejoicing in its belief. The only thing that protects from this is the pure submission to the wahî (Divine inspiration). When the heart submits to the wahî (revelation), it will witness its soundness, realize intellectually and in the light of fitrah (sound nature) that it is the truth. Such a submissive person submits by way of hearing, the mind, and the fitrah. This is the most perfect faith.
The second type of person is the one who is in opposition to His Message and Command. These people can vary slightly and can be further categorized. Some may oppose with their opinions and analogies. They make lawful what Allâh has made unlawful, and make unlawful what Allâh has made lawful. They void what Allâh has made obligatory and make obligatory what Allâh has voided. Another type amongst these people are those that oppose the facts of faith and the Message with their visions, personal experiences, and false devilish inspirations. These compose a religion that Allâh has not allowed, invalidate the religion that Allâh sent to His Messenger, and oppose the facts of faith using the devil’s tricks. These people have religions to worship other than Allâh’s religion and place these before Allâh’s religion. Because of their analogies, opinions and personal experiences, the entire world could have been ruined and the pillars of the religion destroyed. But Allâh has preserved this religion and promised to protect those that will preserve and protect it from the plots of these plotters.
Another group of those in opposition are those that oppose the Law of Allâh with their unjust rules. They put their rules before the rules of Allâh and His Messenger . Thus they suspend Allâh’s Law, justice and His Hudûd (legislated punishments).
The third type of opposition is of those who oppose Allâh’s actions, decrees and ordinances. This opposition comes primarily from ignorant people. It has many forms, some are clear and some are not. This kind of opposition exists within many souls. If we were to contemplate our utterances, actions and desires, we would see this clearly. Most of us have some kind of opposition to Allâh’s decree and His portioning of livelihood.
The ones that are free of this type of opposition are those that know Allâh with a true knowledge and accept Him with complete satisfaction.[This is what ibn al-Qayyim, wrote in the 8th Century of the Hijrah, wrote. Imagine our situations six centuries after him. May Allah protect us.]{He use the words, if we were to contemplate our utterances, actions and desires, we would see this clearly.{ And He use the words, Most of us(Most of us Muslims, who say we Believe in ALLAH and the last day ) have some kind of opposition to Allâh’s decree and His portioning of livelihood.}
O ALLAH! Iam content and satisfied with what ever you have provided for me in this Life.,(So Iam useing the words Let us) O Muslim People Let us give up our opposition to ALLAH! O ALLAH! Please remove any and all opposition from our Hearts and souls known and unknown, O ALLAH! I Surrender to your will and Authority with complete submission and Obedience. (we need to clean our Hearts,Purify our Hearts,Make our Hearts right before ALLAH and return to ALLAH by makeing Tawbah(repentance),Seeking the forgiveness of ALLAH! the Door of Tawbah is still Open! Let us All return Home to The Mercy of ALLAH! We All are Sick in our Hearts in one way or the other,We the Muslims Ummah,We Mankind, All of Us are affected by the influence of the Dajjal,We are Living in that time of his Emergence, (Donot foreget that He is the Enemy of ALLAH). the magnitude of the dangers the Dajjal represented is enormous. In a very short time the whold world as we have known it has turn upside down. that is why it is so important to clean our Hearts and make our right be fore ALLAH.
Whosoever desires to purify his heart, then let him prefer ALLAH to his desires.We need to Migration to Allah, From loving other than Allah >to loving ALLAH;

· From fearing and hoping and relying on other than ALLAH> to fearing and hoping and relying on ALLAH;

· From calling upon, asking, surrendering to, and humbling oneself before other than ALLAH > to calling upon, asking, surrendering to, and humbling oneself before ALLAH.

This is precisely the meaning of "fleeing unto ALLAH", as He ta'ala says:

"...Flee unto ALLAH..." [Surah Ath-Thaariyaat 51:50]

the hearts are the vessels of Allah upon his earth, hence the most beloved of them to him, are the ones most compassionate, pure and resistant to deviation.

For the love of Allah shall not enter a heart, which contains the love of this world, except as a camel, which passes through the eye of a needle.

If the heart is nourished with the remembrance of ALLAH, its thirst quenched with contemplation and cleansed from corruption, it shall witness remarkable and wondrous matters, inspiring wisdom.

Hence, the most beloved servant before ALLAH is the one whom ALLAH places in His servitude, whom ALLAH selects for His love, whom ALLAH causes to purify his worship for ALLAH alone!, whom dedicates his objectives for ALLAH, his tongue for ALLAH remembrance, and his limbs for ALLAH's service. criticizing oneself is a practice of the truthful. A servant draws closer to Allah in a moment (when he criticize himself) much more than he would do so through actions." A benefit of understanding ALLAH's right over the servant is that it breeds criticizing of oneself and delivers one from showing off and vanity. It also opens the door of humbleness in front of ALLAH and closes the doors of conceit. It allows one to realize that salvation is only through ALLAH's grace and mercy. When a Muslim takes account of his actions, he is able to realize the right of Allah over him. It is ALLAH's right that He should be obeyed and not disobeyed: that ALLAH should be remembered and not forgotten and that ALLAH should be appreciated and not unappreciated. Whoever thinks over these things will know with certainty that he cannot fulfill these conditions and, thus, has to resort to ALLAH's mercy. Such a person will be convinced that he cannot rely on his actions, lest he be destroyed.

Allah subhana wa ta'ala says in the Qur'an:

"O you who believe! Fear Allah and keep your duty to Him. And let every person look to what he has sent forth for the morrow, and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is All-Aware of what you do." (Surah al Hashr :18)
When a Muslim takes account of his own deeds he is able to realize his mistakes and correct them. Those who do not engage in accounting their own deeds, only condemn themselves in front of Allah subhana wa ta'ala. Allah aza wa jal said in the Qur'an:

"So, by your Lord (O Muhammad) We shall certainly call all of them to account. For all that they used to do." (Surah al Hijr:92-93)

Many people think about their rights over ALLAH and do not think about ALLAH rights over them. This is how their are detached from ALLAH and deprived of the desire to meet Him. The heart becomes sick, as the body becomes sick, and its remedy is al-Tawbah, the remembrance of ALLAH,and the protection [from transgression].The heart becomes corrupt in six ways: commiting sins in the hope of repenting, seeking knowledge and not applying it, practice without ikhlas (sincerity), eating the sustenance of Allah without appreciating Him, not being please with Allah's decree and burying the dead without learning from them."Therefore ALLAH is the source of every desired matter.
Everything that is loved - if it is not loved for the sake of ALLAH, then this love is nothing but distress and punishment. Every action that is not performed for the sake of ALLAH, then it is wasted and severed. Every heart that does not reach Him(ALLAH) is wretched, veiled from achieving its success and happiness.
Therefore ALLAH has gathered everything that could be desired from Him in His saying,

"There is not a single thing except that its depositories and treasures are with Us." [Al-Hijr (15): 21]

And ALLAH has gathered everything that is done for His sake in His saying,

"And that to your Lord is the final goal." [An-Najm (53): 42]

Therefore there is nothing beyond ALLAH that deserves to be sought and nothing finds its conclusion with other than Him.

ALLAH, subhanahu wa ta'ala, also praised His people in His book, saying, "Verily! Those who live in awe for fear of their Lord . . . It is these who race for the good deeds and they are foremost in them." [23:57-61]

Aisha once asked Rasulallah sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, "O Rasulallah sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam , when ALLAH says And those who give that (their charity) which they give with their hearts full of fear . ." [23:60] is he the one who commits adultery, drinks alcohol or steals?" He said, "No, daughter of As-Siddeeq. It is the man who fasts, prays, and pays sadaqah. But he fears that none will be accepted from him." (Tirmithi and others)

Al-Hasan al-Basri said, "By ALLAH, they performed the acts of obedience and struggled in them and they were afraid that their deeds will be rejected." The believer has combined good deeds and fear and the hypocrite has combined bad deeds and a sense of security.

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