The sickness of this world

Submitted by : mujihada on Youth

As'salaamu alaikum wa Rahamatullahi wa Barakutuh my beloved brothers and sisters in Islam,here is poem I wrote two dayz I ago ,It's pretty short..Hope you guys like it inshaAllah ta'ala......Allah Hafiz

This world is full of darkness and light

Good dayz and bad dayz Full of good deeds and bad deeds

yet we seem to sin more than we do good

Lying beocomes hobby

Telling the truth becomes something that was in that past that will never last

Speading rumours amongst our brothers and sisters becomes must

The fool is the one who follow his lust

Praying salah becomes dust

Saying salaam amonngst muslims becomes like an old book full of rust

Being fully covered becomes religious

Saying the word jihad becomes dangerious

All you hear is people talk about sexual desire

This country they want to hire woman clothed yet naked

There is tight wire on my neck I can't bearth

Can you imgaine how hot the blazing hell fire is

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