These 4 Walls

Submitted by : Miss_Sofia on Strugle

Scratching on the walls hearing nothing else but rain drops and rats running around
hearing silent cries from the brother next door I am thinking what is it that we are waiting for
Its not as if we are asking for more other then leave our Umma to rest. You are angry and getting stressed for something we do not understand.

Pathetic behavior that get recognized in the system talking about how the Muslims are terrorists
and those who searching for clues and victimizing the innocent
are victims. Its a political set up made to torture the believers.

At the same time make eaze and envy for the weaker generation give them a different out look
and make life seem like every day should be a celebration. Heart aching because most dont realize
it is not made for us to kick back more like a trap to forget our purpose to look back on the Message of god

We been there before and its hard to get out. Life is A Prison Cell for the Believer don't Be Misguided because then you are One of The Free Muslims Who are heading to be astray the further you go.. The further they will keep you away. Dont youu See The Prison Cells? To keep the Muslims away so they can not guide and inspire those who are astray. Dont You see The four invisible walls.?

you get what you want if you corrupt the minds of the nation Every bad deed you do every reward you get. So You look Sexy if you wear short things but you look dead if you cover up?
You The boom thing on roads... But when you cover up they say u dont get no luck?
This backwards movements is something that is not us

So you see these prison cells are made to test us. Life is Harsh blame mankind for this and the devil
to discourage us. You Gotta Think big and only associate with the Good thinkers. they got this system created especially to misguide us now it is reached the stage where they wanna intimidate us by turning our own ummah against us. Corruption is the evil that can break apart the bond in the community Hence why you gotta sometimes accept prison cells

It was never like this in the first place back then we use to live in a hut and jam with the family on a farm everything was free and now you gotta have a ca rand charm dont forget the biggest doe on roads to be recognized money is not going to get you far in Gods eyes! IT is the deed you do the knowledge you learn not how fat your pockets is.. To be honest we could not care less what you earn.
You gotta teach and remember learn and surrender repend islam means peace so this media attacking muslims need to step back why would you wanna corrupt the minds of the believers Islam is the truth i think you should accept that let us live.. Surah Al Kaffurun was send upon you ..

3. I worship not as you worship,

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4. Nor do you worship as I worship.

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5. Nor do I worship those that you worship,

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6. Nor do you worship Him[3453] Whom I worship.

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7. For you your religion, and for me my religion.”[3454]

. Islam is the true path i know its hard to accept that when you too hooked to let go Of this world. This world shall let go of you when the day comes when we meet our lord? Show me on that day that the world shall be hooked on you it shall turn into dust out of fear of our Mighty Lord Allah Is the most kind most merciful re pend now for Allah shall have his arms wide open and shall keep you on the path so shaytan can not let you fall ... Listen to the signs in the Glorious book of life hear the reciters recite dont you see how accurate and pure it is.. its quite obvious that such a religion relevant like this does not exist

They are the hosts on earth and you could call us guest. They think they can beat God
but watch them try for Allah has a plan bigger then theirs They think they have secrets but Allah is all knowing and knows what shall happen Believe in God even if it means Accepting the prison cells!

We are getting tested. Life is written out for us Sometimes what we do not like we gotta accept it because dont forget this is duunya only .. A journey to test the Ummah so dont be sadd of you are lonely Allah is Watching over us which means you are not exactly lonely pray to God for these prison cells are only there for us to feel uncomfortable keep your Iman strong because then Even if your in the prison Cell you are untouchable Allahu Akbar

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