Twin Devil

Submitted by : qalamuddin on Poem Stories

twin devil

exists long before the days of mine
survives till the present day of our time
willing to destroy generations of mankind
for the benefit of his kinds

twin devil

does all sorts of evil
distorting the truth like the true DEVIL
-two faces and a splitting tongue
with a heart so rotten befitting the "dung"

twin devil

masking his face to avoid the front
hiding his eyes bearing a grunt
quarelling and arguing,not to be outdone
hurling insults weighing a tonne

twin devil

injustice is his brand of game
inhumane is synonymous with his name
hurting people:-"oops, sorry not purposely!" an excuse so lame
everything wild nothing tame

twin devil

great instigator,great in disguise
great preacher though practices otherwise
honesty is not his cup of tea
hypocrisy is his policy

twin devil

if one is seen upper than him
one is led and be driven to the extreme
our agonies and sufferings,his ultimate dream
not stopping.... ..until we make his TEAM

twin devil

he denies the truth and rejects reality
trying to build...a kingdom of infidelity
not much ado about dignity
let alone of sincerity?

twin devil

how do we recognize him?
when he look just like you and me,in light or in dim
repentance has never crossed his mind
may peace and safety be upon us..AMIN

twin devil

we seek refuge with ALLAH from the devil within
from the evil mouth to the abusing hands,all in
we seek protection with ALLAH from the shayatin
whatever figures and shapes they are in

twin devil

an enemy of the mu'minun
be extra careful when you look at the moon
it is not a legend nor a fairly-tale
IT might be sitting next to you staring right at your face!

In surah Al-Mu'minun verse
97 and 98:-
"And say:-My Lord! I seek refuge with YOU from the whisperings (suggestions) of the Shayatin (devils)"

"And I seek refuge with YOU,My Lord! lest they may attend (orcome near) me."

penned by qalamuddin

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