Wakeup Call/ Conscience

Submitted by : maaz ahmed on Muslim

Innocent women and children killed
for land, for glory, for fame
rivers of blood gushed and spilled
We've forsaken love, forsaken shame

Its time to take the blinkers off
Its time that all this killing stops

millions spent on bombs and grenades
while thousands starve to death
then they come with relief and aid
make you forget what they did or said

Its time to take the blinkers off
Its time that all this killing stops

Is paranoia a reason big enough
to bomb and blast a place
to get all the youth handcuffed
because of their religion, color or race

Its time to take the blinkers off
Its time that all this killing stops

blindfold on the eyes of humanity
conniving the havoc and destruction
hearts blackened with animosity
We've embraced hatred, embraced detestation

Its time to take the blinkers off
Its time that all this killing stops

Arrogant with power, they conceive
using media for deception and false alibi's
remember that Allah too plans and sees
the best of planners, All knowing, All wise

Its time to take the blinkers off
Its time that all this killing stops

[email protected]

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